Evgeni Krasheninnikov on Development Dialogue
Evgeni Krasheninnikov of Laboratory of Child Development introduced the concept of dialectic thinking, which can be developed in a specific kind of dialogue between the parent and the child, at his open lecture.
Tatiana Kazakova on her passion for music
Tatiana Kazakova, an MCU postgraduate student in teaching music, shares her thought about music as a professional field and MCU contribution to her career
Account of the International Pedagogical Forum on Russian-language Distance Learning
MCU hosted the International Pedagogical Forum dedicated to methods and technologies of Russian-language distance learning.
Account of the open lecture by Professor Alexei Lavrentiev at MCU. Part 2
Professor Alexei Lavrentiev, a researcher from École normale supérieure de Lyon, continued and expanded his review of corpus linguistics for MCU students and faculty.
MCU assists in the organization of J-Anime Meeting in Russia
MCU supported J-Anime Meeting 2020 in Russia
Account of the open lecture by Professor Alexei Lavrentiev at MCU. Part 1
Professor Alexei Lavrentiev, a researcher from École normale supérieure de Lyon in the field of corpus lingustics, held an open lecture for MCU students and faculty on December 8.