
Urban studies have become a learning format. Within the sociocultural practice, MCU first-year students enthusiastically explore the city. Instead of plodding at books, they walk in parks and visit museums, theatres, and publishing houses. Students attend conferences and festivals, write reviews, create digests and rankings. They study the urban environment and infrastructure as well as become acquainted with new people.

For the last two years, Urban Studies have become one of the crucial components of developing students’ competencies in the humanities. The latest research findings obtained at the MCU’s research departments dedicated to urban science are introduced in the curriculums of the Master’s degree programs, such as Design of Urban Educational Infrastructures and Designing and Teaching Reading Programs for Children and Youth, as well as in the courses of Bachelor’s degree programs.

Moreover, MCU students are ready and eager to share their experiences, opinions, and emotions. Here you may find what they think of public places and activities they have attended.

MCU students underwent sociocultural practice

First-year students from the Institute of Law and Management have presented the findings of urban research within the sociocultural practice


MCU students helping stray animals

Students of the Bachelor’s program “Sports Journalism and Media Communications in Sports” showed a responsible attitude towards animals


MCU students researching Russia-France relations

Students of MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages shared their impressions about the exhibition “France and Russia. Ten centuries together”
