
The academic year at MCU consists of two semesters: the fall semester that lasts from September to January, and the spring semester that lasts from February to June. Between the semesters the students have winter and summer vacations correspondingly.

The students are expected to attend classes and accomplish academic tasks. One class consists of 2 academic hours by 45 minutes.

A student’s grade is comprised of

  • Attending lectures and seminars
  • Involvement during classes
  • Independent work
  • Passing interim tests and final exams
  • Writing a final paper 

The grading system at MCU applies a 5-point and a 100-point scale which can be converted to ECTS grades.

Grading System

100-point scale 5-point scale ECTS grades Pass/fail test
86—100 5 Excellent A Passed
66—85 4 Good B Passed
51—65 3 Satisfactory C Passed
0—50 2 Fail F Fail