
Open lecture by Professor Adnan Taşgin, Atatürk University

The Institute of System Projects invites anyone interested to attend an open lecture by Professor Adnan Taşgin on “Alternative Assessment and Evaluation”.

Vitaly Grinshkun about exchange semester at Fontys International Business School

Vitaly Grinshkun, a 4th year student of the Institute of Digital Education shares his impressions of studying at Fontys International Business School, the Netherlands.

International Forum of English Language Teachers at MCU

On November 12 and 13, the Institute of Foreign Languages hosted the International Research and Methodical Conference “Teaching Speech Culture in English: Traditions, Issues and Perspectives”.

The MCU students’ project scoring TOP-5 at the Hackfest in Grozny

On November 8—10 MCU students participated in the Hackfest “The Teacher of the Future” dedicated to digital educational technologies.

Apply to become an MCU curator for gifted children!

MCU announces the competitive selection of students who want to try themselves as curators at the ‘Sirius’ December school.

Celebrating Halloween

The Institute of Foreign Languages enjoyed a Halloween celebration at lunch break on October 31.