Big Data in Education
MCU announces the International Conference “Big Data in Education” to be held on 29-30 August, 2019.
MCU opens a new hotel building in 2020
In April 2020, MCU opens application for residence at the new MCU hotel building.
The first group of bachelor’s students from China graduate from MCU
In July 2019, MCU saw the graduation of the first group of Chinese students from Senior School No 4 in Shangqiu, China.
MCU at summer workshop “Island 10–22”
MCU participates in the Island 10–22 educational workshop organized for representatives of Russian universities at the platform of Skolkovo Institute.
Graduation Ceremony at the Institute of Humanities
The Institute of Humanities invites students, their parents and teachers to attend the official graduation ceremony to be held on July 4 and 5.
MCU students on expedition in the mountains
In July a group of 9 students led by an experienced travel guide will go for the first in their lives mountain trekking tour.