
MCU Students in France

From July 16 to July 30, 2018, MCU students Sitora Abdullaeva, Yulia Ilyina and Daria Mamonova who major in French language visited France.

Tutor of Digital Technologies

MCU to participate in the project on developing the standard for a newly emerged profession ‘Tutor of Digital Technologies’.

MCU to launch robot trainings

The Institute of Digital Education launches the training courses for robots!

MCU announces the People of MCU Award 2018

MCU together with MCU Endowment announces the People of MCU Award 2018.

MCU takes part in celebration of the Bastille day

On July 13, 2018, the MCU representatives were invited by the Embassy of France to take part in the celebration of the Bastille day.

MCU hosts the 4th International Program Tandem

In July 2018, MCU hosts the 4th International Program Tandem for Russian and Austrian students.