Open Doors Day for Master’s degree program
MCU’s Directorate of Educational Programs will hold an Open Doors Day for the program “Development of Human Potential: Personalization and Digitalization of Education”
Round table on youth policy and education
At the end of the academic year MCU Team will discuss the youth policy at MCU
New Formats of Teachers’ Professional Development
Speakers will discuss issues on teachers’ professional development within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and City: The Third Mission of the University
Panel discussion: University as a Resource of Network Interaction
Speakers will analyze the university networking opportunity within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and City: The Third Mission of the University
Session: Friendly City
The participants of the session will discuss how the city can cooperate with the university and how children and their parents can benefit from living in the city
Discussing the Educational Potential of Museums
Speakers will discuss the issues on educational potential of museums within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and the City: The Third Mission of the University