Lecturers and students of the Institute of Humanities participated in the Forum “Language Policy and Linguistic Security”
The Forum was devoted to the problems of inter-ethnic, cultural and linguistic contacts, the interaction of various types of cultures within and beyond ethnic communities.
MCU experts participated in the ECER 2022 conference in Yerevan
MCU researchers at ECER 2022 Conference in Yerevan
Account of The 2022 Summer University of Tutoring
The MCU’s Laboratory of Personalization and Lifelong Learning arranged and held The 2022 Summer University of Tutoring on June 6–July 5
UniverCity: Education and City
The fifth issue of UniverCity: Cities and Universities Journal has been published
MCU staff discussed pre-school education at the international conference
Staff members of the Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education participated in an annual international conference
MCU hosted international conference on Japanese
MCU’s Japanese Language Department arranged the International Conference “Japanese Language in the Learning Environment”