MCU opens a new hotel building in 2020
In April 2020, MCU opens application for residence at the new MCU hotel building.
The first group of bachelor’s students from China graduate from MCU
In July 2019, MCU saw the graduation of the first group of Chinese students from Senior School No 4 in Shangqiu, China.
MCU at summer workshop “Island 10–22”
MCU participates in the Island 10–22 educational workshop organized for representatives of Russian universities at the platform of Skolkovo Institute.
Lecture on Sinology by MCU graduate
The Chinese Language Department invites everyone interested in Sinology to attend a lecture by MCU graduate Nikita Kuzmin.
Practical Seminar — Methods of Conducting Graduate and Post Graduate Rresearch
We invite teachers, graduate and post graduate students to participate in the seminar ‘Methods of conducting graduate and post graduate research’.
Annual City Conference at MCU
MCU invites to take part in the Annual City Conference ‘MCU and metropolitan educational institutions as innovative network for management of the educational space’.