
Human Potential Development as a Value of Modern Education

MCU and the “Investment to the Future” Sberbank Charitable Foundation will hold the 3rd All-Russian Research and Practice Conference. The Conference will be dedicated to the issues of developing the communities of professionals, children and adults, and parents

10th Annual International EAOKO Conference

MCU and the Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment (EAOKO) jointly hold the 10th Annual International EAOKO Conference. The questions of the unified exams in the former Soviet countries and education monitoring will be discussed

Tutoring in the Open Learning Environment

MCU’s Institute of Lifelong Learning and Interregional Tutors Association arrange the 14th International Research and Practice Conference on the anthropological approach in teaching and learning

Educator’s Competencies as a Factor of Developing Skills for the Future in Pre-School Children

MCU invites pre-school education stakeholders to participate in the Second Moscow International Research and Practice Conference

The Battle: how architecture, design and pedagogy manifest themselves in the city

On August 25, at 10:00 (Moscow time) within the framework of the 4th Annual International Symposium “Education and the City: quality education for modern cities”, a battle “Design, architecture and pedagogy in urban environment” will be held.
MCU’s master’s students will gathered for a battle to discuss the topic of urban educational infrastructure: in what way architecture, design and pedagogy manifest themselves and how all these three components are interconnected.

How is the international localization of SAM group tools going?

On August 24 within the framework of the 4th Annual International Symposium “Education and the City: quality education for modern cities”, a panel discussion “International localization and application of SAM Group tools” will be held. Center for International Cooperation in Education Development (CICED) and Europe and Central Asia Comparative Education Society (ECA-CES) organize the discussion.