Requirements for publications in a special issue of Alpha Proceedings

Professor Irina Tivyaeva will discuss the researchers’ questions on the preparation of scientific articles for publication in English

Hybrid learning — New pedagogy for higher education

Kirill Barannikov and Natalia Strikun will participate as experts in the open webinar at The Graduate School of Management (GSOM) of St. Petersburg University

Seminar on writing compositions with Japanese expert

Koji Oikawa gave a seminar for the teaching staff of the Insitute of Foreign Languages and shared secrets of creating compositions for oral and written presentations

MCU experts presented best teaching practices in Verona

MCU experts took part in the international training program for school teachers and educators that was held on November 10–14, 2021, in Verona

MCU experts to hold a workshop “Teacher as a psychologyst of student communities”

On November 11, MCU experts will present an online workshop “Teacher as a psychologist of student communities” as part of the international conference of the Erasmus+ project “Out of the Net”