Call for best international basic research projects 2020

Moscow City University calls for international scientific organizations and research teams to join MCU scientists in Grant Competition 2020 for best basic research projects.

The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ International Consortium at MCU

In 2019 MCU entered the Erasmus+ International Consortium to build a framework for supporting culturally responsive leadership in European and Russian schools.

Data Mining as the Basis of Effective Management

Join the panel discussion on the topic Data mining as the basis of effective management at the International Conference “Big Data in Education”.

Big Data in Education: Myth vs Reality

Join a revealing discussion Big Data in Education: Myth or Reality? at the International Conference “Big Data in Education”.

International Forum of English Language Teachers at MCU

On November 12 and 13, the Institute of Foreign Languages hosted the International Research and Methodical Conference “Teaching Speech Culture in English: Traditions, Issues and Perspectives”.