Discussing the Educational Potential of Museums
Speakers will discuss the issues on educational potential of museums within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and the City: The Third Mission of the University
A Laboratory of Teacher’s Urban Observations
Participants will discuss the observations of the urban environment and its learning possibilities within 5th Annual International Symposium Education and the City: the Third Mission of the University
Roundtable discussion: How to Overcome the Crisis in Education after the COVID-19?
Participants will discuss the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education within 5th Annual International Symposium Education and the City: The Third Mission of the University
A Short Version of the SAM Tool: School Application
The participants of the round table will discuss the new SAM-based tool for education quality assessment, its testing, processing of results, and data analysis
Roundtable discussion: What is a perfect residential neighborhood for children and teenagers?
Within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and the City: The Third Mission of the University a mixed format round table Yards, By-streets and the World: A Residential Neighborhood for Children and Teenagers, Parents and Developers will be held