
Discussing the Educational Potential of Museums

On May 26, an online roundtable discussion The Educational Potential of Museums: Opinions of Teachers, Museum Staff, and Parents of School Students will be held within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and City: The Third Mission of the University. Anastasia Belolutskaya, Head of the Laboratory of Professional Competence Assessment and Adult Development at the MCU’s Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education will moderate the discussion.

Can museums engage substantively with schools? Are modern exhibitions capable of motivating school students to discuss challenging issues? Do museum classes influence the development of “soft skills” among teenagers?  The speakers who will discuss these questions within the roundtable discussion include:

  • Anna Golovina: The Findings of the Study of Educational Potential of Moscow’s Museums in the Сontext of Students’ Meta-Subject Competencies Development (Russia);
  • Alfred Vardazaryan:  Research Work in a Museum as a Way to Develop Teenagers’ Soft Skills (Russia).

Ivan Grinko, Tatiana Shcherbakova, Dmitry Stalnoy, Grigory Zavalov will also join the discussion.

The link to connect is available in the Symposium’s program.

All up-to-date information is available on the official page of the event.