MCU discussing new strategies for growth
The First Strategic Conference arranged by the Department for Stategic Development was held at MCU on December 24.
MCU is ranked in the TOP-300 by the QS BRICS
MCU is ranked in the TOP-300 among the BRICS countries, according to the world’s prestigious QS rankings.
MCU announces the People of MCU Award 2018
MCU together with MCU Endowment announces the People of MCU Award 2018.
MCU hosts the Worldskills Russia
On June 27-29, 2018 MCU hosted the qualifying stage of the Worldskills Russia Contest in the categories ‘Teacher of Secondary and High School’ and ‘Teacher of Technologies’.
Congratulations to the winners of the MCU creative contest!
MCU congratulates the students of the Institute of Foreign Languages who suggested the best ideas for the MCU website.
Celebrating Long-living in Moscow 2018
On April 26 the 1st metropolitan festival ‘Long-living in Moscow 2018’ took place at the All-Russia Exhibition Center.