
Lilian Galvan: Art and Culture in Peru

Lilian Galvan, Bachelor and Licentiate of Educational Psychology at Cayetano Heredia University, spoke about the educational program for the study of art and culture in Peru and the importance of its promotion abroad

MCU’s scientific and educational portal Prizma

The MCU’s scientific and educational portal was presented at the Annual International Symposium “Education and City”

MCU held the Round Table at the International Assembly of RAO

The Round table “Modern Textbook at the Turn of Time” was held by MCU at the II International Assembly of RAO “Teacher and Time” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Academy

MCU Science Days 2023: Launching soon

The traditional spring university-wide scientific session MCU Science Days will be held from March to April at the Moscow City University

Lecturers of the Institute of Foreign Languages win the Competition University teacher 2022

The lecturers of the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages won in the 8th International Professional Competition UNIVERSITY TEACHER 2022.

Priority 2030: Annual report

Moscow City University presented a report on the work of the university during 2021-2022 as part of the state Priority 2030 program.