
MCU Science Days 2023: Launching soon

More than 400 events are planned by the University as part of the MCU Science Days 2023: scientific and practical conferences, round tables, workshops, exhibitions, competitions and other scientific events aimed at showcasing the University’s scientific activities.

A significant number of events will be accessible to participants as they are organised in a hybrid format as well as in the form of YouTube broadcasts. Any online event can be accessed by following the links in the Programme.

Scientific events are organised at all MCU sites and take place within the framework of the University’s research priorities:

  1. Digital didactics.
  2. Improving the content, methods and technologies of education (including the Moscow E-School).
  3. Development of the University and implementation of its policies.
  4. Evaluation of the quality of education.
  5. Development of the city university model.
  6. Study of the educational environment.
  7. Legal support of educational activities.
  8. Improving the content of inclusive education.
  9. Improving work with citizens of retirement and pre-retirement age, including the development of the Silver University project.
  10. Improving pre-vocational training of Moscow school students, including the development of the New Pedagogical Class in a Moscow School project.

College and university students, principals, teachers, schoolteachers and leading experts in education and science are welcome to participate.

MCU Science Days 2023 order

MCU Sciense Days 2023 programme