
MCU and Sirius: strategy to support young talents

The 3rd All-Russia Conference ‘The way to success: national projects and support strategies for talented youth’ was held in Sochi hosted by the Educational Centre Sirius on January 27—29.

Translation of the year by the Laboratory of Child Development

In December 2018 a translation of the book ‘Dialectical Thinking and Adult Development’ by Michael Basseches was published in Russia with support of the Laboratory of Child Development. 

Researchers of the Laboratory of Child Development contributing to the international project on early childhood education

The book Early Childhood Education and Care in the 21st Century: International Teaching, Family and Policy Perspectives featuring research by the MCU experts was published In January 2018.

Book by the Laboratory of Child Development announced the monography of the year

The book ‘Vygotsky’s Theory in Early Childhood Education and Research. Russian and Western Values’ published in spring 2018 was announced as the monograph of the year.

International Forum of English Language Teachers at MCU

On November 12 and 13, the Institute of Foreign Languages hosted the International Research and Methodical Conference “Teaching Speech Culture in English: Traditions, Issues and Perspectives”.

Highlights of ‘Informatization of Continuing Education 2018 (ICE-2018)’

Moscow City University in collaboration with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia have successfully conducted the International Scientific Conference ‘Informatization of Continuing Education 2018 (ICE-2018)’.