Open lecture by Professor Vasily Molodyakov, Japan
On September 12, Professor Vasily Molodyakov, a guest lecturer from Takushoku University, Japan, visited the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages offering a lecture on colonial policy of Japan in the 20th century.
Lectures by professor Teruyuki Fujita, University of Tsukuba
This week the MCU Institute of Foreign Languages is visited by professor Teruyuki Fujita, dean of Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Tsukuba (Japan).
MCU Students in France
From July 16 to July 30, 2018, MCU students Sitora Abdullaeva, Yulia Ilyina and Daria Mamonova who major in French language visited France.
Tutor of Digital Technologies
MCU to participate in the project on developing the standard for a newly emerged profession ‘Tutor of Digital Technologies’.
MCU hosts the Worldskills Russia
On June 27-29, 2018 MCU hosted the qualifying stage of the Worldskills Russia Contest in the categories ‘Teacher of Secondary and High School’ and ‘Teacher of Technologies’.
Asian Studies experts met with MCU students
On May 26, Asian Studies experts and MCU graduates met with the Japanese-learning students to share some job-hunting tips for finding employment in Russia and Japan and experience of work in major Japanese companies.