MCU staff discussed pre-school education at the international conference
Staff members of the Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education participated in an annual international conference
Lecture on history of Japanese literature at MCU
Victor Mazurik from Moscow State University gave a lecture on Japanese literature and culture at the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages
MCU biathlon team won two medals
Biathlon athletes from the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies won a silver and a bronze medals at the Moscow Student Sports Games
MCU hosted international conference on Japanese
MCU’s Japanese Language Department arranged the International Conference “Japanese Language in the Learning Environment”
Ruslan Abramov assigned Director of Institute of Law and Management
Ruslan Abramov was appointed Director of the MCU’s Institute of Law and Management and posted a greeting letter to MCU students and staff
MCU professor at international seminar on pre-school education
Professor Nikolay Veraksa from the Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education elaborated on the development of consciousness