Conference: the Origins and Evolution of Russian Psychology
To commemorate the 100-year anniversary the Soviet School of Psychology the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations will hold the Research Conference “The Origins and Evolution of Russian Psychology”.
Lecture on fitness and healthy lifestyle
The Institute of Natural Sciences and Sport Technologies invites to attend an open lecture on fitness and sports.
Learn about BI Services and Artificial Intelligence
The Institute of Digital Education will hold a series of training seminars dedicated to modern tools of artificial intelligence and business analytics.
Time for music at MCU
The Institute of Culture and Arts and the Art Workshop Project #Classics invite you to join a lecture performance ‘Time for Music’ on February 9.
Compose your own electronic music at MCU
The #Classics project by the Institute of Culture and Arts features a popular workshop for starting musicians.
MCU team at the Moscow Ski-run Festival
MCU sports team invites any one interested to join the large-scale Moscow festival Ski-run 2019.