
Talk on education: what do they teach our children in Europe and Russia?

Professor Alexander Asmolov, head of the Department of Personality Psychology of the Moscow State University, has been invited to speak about education on February 21.

Time for music at MCU

The Institute of Culture and Arts and the Art Workshop Project #Classics invite you to join a lecture performance ‘Time for Music’ on February 9.

Compose your own electronic music at MCU

The #Classics project by the Institute of Culture and Arts features a popular workshop for starting musicians.

New Year’s Ball at MCU

The Institute of Humanities invites MCU students to join the wonderful festive event — New Year’s Ball on December 28.

Olga Markes from Alai Oli with a lecture at MCU

Olga Markes, a famous singer and leader of the popular reggae band Alai Oli, will speak on efficient ways to keep fit and healthy at the open lecture at the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages.

Join MCU #Classics to practice stagecraft!

The popular project of MCU’s Institute of Culture and Arts #Classics invites anyone interested to take part in a hands-on training of stage skills.