Presentation of a book by Michael Basseches
A presentation of a book on dialectical thinking by Professor Michael Basseches.
Open theatre performance by MCU students
The first-year students of Acting at the Institute of Culture and Arts will stage an open theatre show in June.
Children’s Day at MCU
MCU invites current university and school students, prospective students and their parents to celebrate Children’s Day on June 1.
Open lecture: Is PR dead, alive or all is love?
MCU Media School invites anyone interested in PR and social media to attend an open lecture by Kira Grichanina.
Conference on Russian Literature at MCU
The Institute of Humanities invites to attend the Research and Practice Conference “Forgotten Writters”.
IBO representatives at MCU
On May 28 MCU will host the meeting with IBO representatives Katrin Fox and Vedrana Pavletich.