
Presentation of a book by Michael Basseches

A presentation of a book on dialectical thinking by Professor Michael Basseches from Suffolk University, US, will be held at the Institute of System Projects on July 2.

The Russian edition of the book Dialectical Thinking and Adult Development dedicated to dialectics and psychology of adult development is a joint project of MCU and the publishing house “Mosaic-Synthesis”.


  • Michael Basseches, author of the book, doctor of philosophy (1978, Harvard), professor at Suffolk University and University of Lisbon (Portugal), one of the world leaders in the field of adult development research and dialectical thinking, practicing psychotherapist
  • Nikolay Veraksa, author of the preface to the Russian edition, professor, chief researcher at the Laboratory of Child Development, MCU’s Institute of System Projects

The event will be held in English (with translation by Anastasia Krivoshanova).

Admission is free.



8 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., (hall Arbenin).