Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning 2021 in Lingnan University
Lingnan University is hosting Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning 2021 on 26—27 March, in Hong Kong.
Account of the International Conference on Pre-School Education
Staff of the Laboratory of Child Development at MCU’s Institute of System Projects participated in the regional science-to-practice conference on pre-school education
Account of the International Pedagogical Forum on Russian-language Distance Learning
MCU hosted the International Pedagogical Forum dedicated to methods and technologies of Russian-language distance learning.
Account of the International Pedagogical Forum on Distance Learning
MCU and the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Ulan Bator hosted the International Pedagogical Forum dedicated to the education digitalization in the context of distance learning.
4th Research-to-Practice Conference ‘Step on the Ladder of Science’
MCU Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies invites undergraduate students, graduate students and young researchers to take part in the 4th 4th Research-to-Practice Conference ‘Step on the Ladder of Science.’