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XII EAOKO Conference: Take the Leap!

The Annual International Conference of the Eurasian Association for Education Assessment will be held by MCU and the HSE Institute of Education.

Lilian Galvan: Art and Culture in Peru

Lilian Galvan, Bachelor and Licentiate of Educational Psychology at Cayetano Heredia University, spoke about the educational program for the study of art and culture in Peru and the importance of its promotion abroad

MCU’s scientific and educational portal Prizma

The MCU’s scientific and educational portal was presented at the Annual International Symposium “Education and City”

MCU partners took an active part in the Symposium

Annual International Symposium “Education and the City” welcomed the “Contribution to the Future” Charity Fund as a participant this year.

The role of the university in developing a Green City Economy. Experience of Kazakhstan and Russia

Universities in Kazakhstan and international organisations discussed the role of higher education in developing a green economy at the 6th Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Mutual Development Resources”.

MCU took part in the Central Asian Symposium on Education 2023

Svetlana Vachkova, Director of the MCU’s Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education took part in the Central Asian Symposium on Education Issues “Career Trajectories for Teachers”