
Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education

The crossdisciplinary Center brings together leading MCU’s experts in the fields of data analysis, sociological research, and digital transformation of education.

Key areas

  • Data analytics in education 

The Center carries out research based on the data of the Moscow Electronic School (The MES): mining of the semantic data from The MES; analyzing individual and collective profiles of participants of collaborative network activities; analyzing digital profiles of teachers and students’ digital activity; analyzing the quality of lesson scripts, the amount and content of homework uploaded in The MES; analyzing the causes for the popularity of specific topics and teaching units within The MES Topical Framework.

  • Modeling in education

The project research team led by Evgeny Patarakin simulates joint activities of teachers based on the NetLogo multiagent model and studies the impact of influences on the behaviour of agents.

  • Digital transformation of education, digital didactics

At the Center, the researchers study the digital transformation of school education in different countries, its impact on changing activities of the teachers, the parent’s role as educational stakeholders. The issues analyzed include digital didactics and new educational formats, such as online lessons, events, and plays. Special attention is paid to the research of the issues of accessibility of education for diverse groups of students and their families during distance learning.

  • Sociological studies

The Center conducts independently and assists in organizing sociological studies: develops tools for surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews, as well as carries out the analysis of the obtained data.

  • Advanced training, seminars, network events

The Center delivers the Online Lessons, Events, and Plays program for advanced teacher training, and the Data Analytics in Education program for school principals, teachers, and educators. The Center’s researchers conduct a university-wide methodological workshop on the use of Big Data in education as well as arranges online events, conferences, and other educational opportunities for children and adults.

  • Public discussions on the crowdsourcing platform

The Center supports and moderates public discussions on education development on the PREOBRA crowdsourcing platform. 

Elena Petryaeva

Post: Director of the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy

  • +7 (499) 132-35-09
Natalia Ageeva

Research Fellow, Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education
PhD, Linguistics


Vasiliy Burov

Research Fellow at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education


Sergey Fedorov

Research Fellow at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education (external employee)
Candidate of Sciences in Economics


Maria Fedorovskaya

Expert at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education


Ivan Klimov

Leading Research Fellow at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education (external employee)
Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor


Svyatoslav Kozin

Specialist at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education


Roman Kupriyanov

Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Services


Roman Parfenov

Junior Research Fellow at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education


Evgeny Patarakin

Leading Research Fellow at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education (external employee)
Doctor of Education Sciences


Valentina Salakhova

Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Humanistic Approach in Education
Candidate of Psychological Sciences


Ivan Sandakov

Expert at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education (external employee)


Pavel Shilov

Expert at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education


Yulia Sumenkova

Expert at the Research and Instructional Department of Design and Development of Urban Initiatives


Ruslan Suleimanov

Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Technical Sciences


Irina Yashina

Expert at the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education (external employee)
