
MCU at the IB Global Conference in Abu Dhabi

MCU participated in the IB Global Conference 2019 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, held on October 24– 26.

MCU at the Final International EduLAw Conference

The delegation from MCU presented the outcomes of the EduLAw project in Vilnius.

The IB Executives at MCU

The Informatization of Education Department of MCU in cooperation with the Intesco Non-profit Partnership have arranged a round table discussion dedicated to the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs within the Russian education.

Delegation from Anhui Normal University at MCU

On August 2, the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages hosted a three-party meeting with the delegations from Anhui Normal University, China, and Minin University, Nizhny Novgorod.

Professor Pablo Olabe to promote healthy lifestyle at MCU

Professor Pablo Javier Olabe Sánchez is visiting MCU to promote healthy lifestyle and share his expertise in the fields of physiotherapy and aquatics.

Professor Pablo Javier Olabe Sánchez from Spain at MCU

Professor Pablo Javier Olabe Sánchez from UCAM, specializing in physiotherapy, paid a working visit at MCU on July 2.