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SearchThe 2nd Annual International Symposium at MCU
The 2nd Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Participation Practices” was held at MCU from May 16 to 18, uniting researchers from 17 countries.
Workshop by representatives of the activity-based pedagogy
MCU invites to attend the Workshop “No one’s land or how to help children survive grade 5 and set the foundation for further successful learning”
Problems of participatory design
Tatiana Le-van (Russia) senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Educational Infrastructures will moderate the Panel discussion “Problems of participatory design”
Elena Ivanova about the gentrification of schools for urban areas development
Elena Ivanova, Head of the Laboratory of Educational Infrastructures will moderate the Section “Gentrification of schools and school territories for urban areas development”
Joe O’Hara at the 2nd International Symposium
Professor Joe O’Hara from Dublin City University will make a report “Converging towards co-professionalism: Challenges and opportunities in school evaluation”.
Yaacov Hecht at the 2nd International Symposium
Yaacov Hecht will present a report “Education Cities 2.0” within the 2nd Annual International Symposium.