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SearchOlga Markes from Alai Oli with a lecture at MCU
Olga Markes, a famous singer and leader of the popular reggae band Alai Oli, will speak on efficient ways to keep fit and healthy at the open lecture at the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages.
International Conference “Teaching Culture of Spoken English: Traditions, Issues and Perspectives”
MCU announces the International Research and Methodical Conference dedicated to teaching speech culture in English, scheduled for November 12—13.
Celebrating Halloween
The Institute of Foreign Languages enjoyed a Halloween celebration at lunch break on October 31.
Professor Su-I Liu on teacher cultivation in Taiwan
In the course of the visit of the delegation from University of Taipei at MCU, on October 30 Professor Su-I Liu presented a lecture on teacher cultivation in Taiwan.
MCU boosting ties with the University of Bayreuth
On October 26, MCU was visited by Dr. Gesine Lenore Schiewer of the University of Bayreuth.
Open lecture by Professor Su-I Liu, University of Taipei
MCU invites anyone interested to attend the lecture by Professor Su-I Liu of University of Taipei.