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Intellectual battle «Design vs Education»

The students of the Master’s program “Design of the Urban Educational Infrastructures” will take part in the intellectual battle and make presentations in the pecha-kucha format.

Ekaterina Asonova: on the studies of students and schoolchildren

Ekaterina Asonova will present a report at the Symposium’s section “Urban studies of students and schoolchildren”.

Asa Morberg at the 2nd International Symposium

Professor Asa Morberg from University of Gavle will present a report “Participatory practices at the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE)”.

Discussion platform on educational migration of children within Moscow

Join the discussion platform “Daily educational migration of children as a phenomenon of the modern megapolis” within the 2nd Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Participation Practices”.

Chang-Chi Lai on how to improve health in senior years

Chang-Chi Lai, Assistant Professor at University of Taipei, will give a presentation “Blood Pressure Control after Community-Based Program in Elderly”.

Doctoral students from Sam Houston State University will speak at the Symposium

Ana Marcela Montenegro Sanchez (Costa Rica) and Bahia Braktia (Algeria), doctoral students from Sam Houston State University, will give a presentation “Digital Literacy Practices and Perceptions in Higher Education”.