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MCU launched the new Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “Out of the Net”

In February 2021, Moscow City University joined the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “Out of the Net” which aims at preventing social withdrawal of school students.



Symposium on Internationalization and Quality Management in Higher Education

Lingnan University hosts the Symposium on Internationalization and Quality Management in Higher Education on 21 March 2021, in Hong Kong

Foreign Languages in the International Academic Environment

International Relations Department has represented Moscow City University at the University of Gdansk’s international conference on the international academic environment

Internship at the National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan

National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan offer students of all levels to undertake a paid research internship

Distance learning for foreign university students

Daria Milyaeva shared MCU’s experience in distance learning for foreign students at the Distance-Learning Pedagogical Education International Winter School