Все новости

MCU takes 11th place in the RIAC’s Digital Internationalization Ranking of Russian universities

The Russian International Affairs Council published the annual ranking of digital internationalization of Russian universities, where MCU takes 11th place

The MCU’s football team is runner-up in the National Student Football League Tournament

Alexander Nesmelov’s football team played three away games within the framework of the National Student Football League season. Review of matches in the material

MCU experts to hold a workshop “Teacher as a psychologyst of student communities”

On November 11, MCU experts will present an online workshop “Teacher as a psychologist of student communities” as part of the international conference of the Erasmus+ project “Out of the Net”

EAOKO Conference held at MCU

On October 22—23, the Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment (EAOKO) held the 10th Annual International EAOKO Conference at MCU

Modern Didactics 2021

The 4th International Conference “Modern Didactics 2021” will be dedicated to the personalization of digital education in the pre-school, general, high, and higher levels
