Все новости
Account of the International Conference on Pre-School Education
Staff of the Laboratory of Child Development at MCU’s Institute of System Projects participated in the regional science-to-practice conference on pre-school education
Elena Terekhova on teaching, paperwork, and dreams that have come true
Elena Terekhova is an MCU graduate. Now she is a Teaching Assistant at the Institute of Culture and Arts. Elena reviewed education from the points of both students and teachers.
Irina Avrina on arranging leisure activities and her career at MCU
Irina Avrina graduated from the MCU’s Institute of Culture and Arts and was hired by the university. She shares her thoughts on training and career
Ekaterina Nikolaeva on music teacher’s career and experience of studying at MCU
Ekaterina Nikolaeva, an alumna of the MCU’s Institute of Culture and Arts, shares her experience of directing a music studio and participating in European musical contests.
Tatiana Kazakova on her passion for music
Tatiana Kazakova, an MCU postgraduate student in teaching music, shares her thought about music as a professional field and MCU contribution to her career