Все новости

MCU’s Laboratory of Child Development at the EECERA Conference in Budapest

MCU at the EECERA Annual Conference, the largest early years’ research conference in Europe, that took place in Budapest on August 28-31, 2018.

MCU hosts a delegation from Yanshan University, China

On September 14, MCU received a delegation from Yanshan University, China.

MCU researchers and Professor Tietze discussed pre-school education

In the end of August Professor Wolfganf Tietze, a prominent international expert on pre-school education, arrived in Moscow with an academic visit

Open lecture by Professor Vasily Molodyakov, Japan

On September 12, Professor Vasily Molodyakov, a guest lecturer from Takushoku University, Japan, visited the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages offering a lecture on colonial policy of Japan in the 20th century.

Art Exhibition of MCU’s Professor Maria Semenova

Visit an anniversary exhibition of a famous water-colorist, MCU’s Professor Maria Semyonova.
