Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Educational Practices
The Laboratory’s research projects cover two areas:
- research and project development of socio-cultural educational practices in urban socio-cultural space;
- research and project development in the field of children’s and youth reading.
The development of the assessment scale of socio-cultural educational practices’ efficiency for auditing educational programs and educational institutions’ projects in order to work out roadmaps of their development became one of the Laboratory’s most important projects in the open education.
The Laboratory offers an educational course “Evaluation techniques of the interactive socio-cultural educational practices’ efficiency” in order to expand the application of the Scale; educational course “Technology of using the educational potential of museums, libraries and other cultural institutions in teaching and learning process of educational institutions”.
The issue of the children’s and youth reading is presented in a number of practical projects:
- Scientific and practical Seminar “Children’s literature in adult’s reading”. The researchers can complete a one year’s internship on the base of this course;
- International conference “Children’s literature as a phenomenon” that unites the researchers and the practitioners (The conference is held biyearly, the short-term conference was held on December 15-17, 2017).

Ekaterina Asonova

Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Socio-cultural Educational Practices
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Economics

Expert at the Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Educational Practices
Specialist at the Laboratory of Sociocultural Educational Practices
Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Educational Practices
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy

Expert at the Laboratory of Sociocultural Educational Practices
Senior Lecturer
Junior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Sociocultural Educational Practices
Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Socio-Сultural Educational Practices
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Art Studies, Associate Professor

Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Socio-Сultural Educational Practices
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Socio-Сultural Educational Practices
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy

Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Socio-cultural Educational Practices
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology

Specialist at the Laboratory of Sociocultural Educational Practices