Laboratory of Professional Competence Assessment and Adult Development
The activities of the Laboratory focus on the research in the field of the quality assessment of the teacher’s professional activity and development of professional development trajectories.
The main fields of the laboratory’s research:
- Developing the procedure of assessment of the teacher’s professional activity that makes possible to reveal the teacher’s professional competence. The procedure of assessment allows understanding either the teacher’s professional competence or the teacher’s strengths and the points of future professional development. At the moment, 160 teachers from 17 Moscow educational institutions have taken part in this project, more than 3 000 responders have been interviewed.
You can find more about the project and take part in the discussion on the online-resource .
- Development and implementation of the certification procedure for graduate students of teacher training institutions. The procedure aims to assess the professional potential of the future teacher and to define their abilities to perform professional activity. 400 graduate students of Moscow City University have taken part in the procedure of certification. Developing maintenance and methodical support of participants of the certification procedure “Moscow Teacher”.
- Developing the contents of the competency standard “Teacher of secondary and senior secondary school” within the Worldskills Experts’ community on the competence “Teacher of secondary and senior secondary school” has been formed. 7 University Championships have been held with the participation of the laboratory experts.
The laboratory annually holds the contest for teachers’ teams “Polyhedron” within the frames of the initiative direction of research on the cooperation of MCU with Moscow schools. The contest has an aim to develop innovative activity at modern school, create conditions for revealing creative abilities, intellectual potential and team work of the teachers. 41 teams of 180 teachers have taken part in the contest since 2016.
The laboratory supervises the Master’s programs “Assessment and monitoring of educational results in a system of general education” and “The general education quality assessment system management”, organizes professional internships for students on the base of structural subdivisions of the Federal Education and Science Supervision Service.
The laboratory carries out the research projects:
- Model of Studying Moscow Teachers’ Professional Deficits and Development of Their Competence;
- Comparative Research on Opinions of Educators, Museum Staff, and Students’ Parents on Educational Potential of City’s Museum Environments.

Anastasia Belolutskaya

Specialist at the Laboratory of Professional Compentence Assessment and Adult Development
Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Professional Compentence Assessment and Adult Development
Candidate of Sciences in History

Expert at the Laboratory of Professional Compentence Assessment and Adult Development (external employee)
Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Professional Competence Assessment and Adult Development
Candidate of Education Sciences, Associate Professor

Junior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Professional Competence Assessment and Adult Development
Expert at the Laboratory of Professional Competence Assessment and Adult Development (external employee)
Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Professional Competence Development and Adult Development
Candidate of Historical Science

Expert at the Laboratory of Professional Compentence Assessment and Adult Development