Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education
The Laboratory’s activities are aimed at designing, supporting, and guiding system projects of human potential development of all educational stakeholders. The Laboratory conducts its activity at the level of educational institutions as well as on the municipal, regional, and federal levels. The Laboratory is established in partnership with the Sberbank Charitable Foundation “Investment to the Future”.
The Laboratory’s key focus areas are:
The Laboratory’s research tracks:

Andrey Ioffe

Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education
Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in History

Specialist at the Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education
Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education
Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Philology

Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education
Candidate of Education Sciences, Associate Professor

Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education
Candidate of Education Sciences