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International Baccalaureate authorizes MCU’s Master’s Program

Master’s Program International Baccalaureate: Theory and Technologies was approved by the International Baccalaureate.

Institute of Digital Education conducted international video session “IB in different countries”

On September 12, 2020, the Institute of Digital Education conducted international video session “IB in different countries” for the students of the Master’s program IB Theory and Technologies.

International Workshop on Globalisation of Teacher Education at MCU

Join the 3rd International Russian-Kazakh Scientific Workshop ‘Digital University: Globalization of Teacher Education”.

Professors of the Institute of Digital Education at the EduSummIT 2019

Professors of the Institute of Digital education attended the global EDUsummIT 2019 in Quebec, Canada. 

The IB Executives at MCU

The Informatization of Education Department of MCU in cooperation with the Intesco Non-profit Partnership have arranged a round table discussion dedicated to the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs within the Russian education.

IB workshop by Irena Steblaj from Slovenia at MCU

On May 19, an IB workshop for MCU Master’s students was held by certified IB trainer Irena Steblaj.