Все новости

MCU at The 2nd Russia-Japan Session on cooperation between universities, enterprises and public agencies

In the end of January, Daria Milyaeva will participate in the Russia-Japan Working Session on cooperation between universities, enterprises and public agencies. 

The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ International Consortium at MCU

In 2019 MCU entered the Erasmus+ International Consortium to build a framework for supporting culturally responsive leadership in European and Russian schools.

Student delegation from the universities of Hong Kong at MCU

The Institute of Foreign Languages hosted a Christmas visit of a student delegation from Hong Kong universities on December 27.

Students from China staged Cinderella at MCU

On December 25th, the students and teachers of the Institute of Foreign Languages enjoyed a festive Christmas play performed by the students from China.

International Workshop on Globalisation of Teacher Education at MCU

Join the 3rd International Russian-Kazakh Scientific Workshop ‘Digital University: Globalization of Teacher Education”.
