Все новости
Account of The 2022 Summer University of Tutoring
The MCU’s Laboratory of Personalization and Lifelong Learning arranged and held The 2022 Summer University of Tutoring on June 6–July 5
SummerSci school for emerging researchers at MCU
Moscow City University hosted the SummerSci Summer Research School on June 27–29
MCU researcher at the international exhibition of architecture and design
Irina Vinogradova, Leading Research Fellow, participated in the 27th International Exhibition of Architecture and Design “Arch Moscow”
Red Brick Fest
MCU and UNITED Student Event Organization invites students, teaching staff members, graduates, applicants, and parents to the open air fest
Master’s degree program on human potential development
Admissions are open for the updated Master’s degree program “Development of Human Potential in Education: Personalization and Digitalization”