Все новости

Open lecture: Place-names in Roman Britain

The autumn semester at MCU starts with a series of open lectures and seminars held by visiting professors from the UK universities.

Open lecture: Russian studies in the Anglosphere

Dr Monica White, Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic Studies, will hold a lecture at MCU about the highs and lows of working in the field of Russian studies.

MCU and Abai University: enhancing cooperation

On August 29 MCU hosted a visit of Aigul’ Iskakova, Director of the International Cooperation Department at Abai University. 

The IB Executives at MCU

The Informatization of Education Department of MCU in cooperation with the Intesco Non-profit Partnership have arranged a round table discussion dedicated to the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs within the Russian education.

Igor Remorenko at International Assembly of education policy-makers

On August 29, the education policy-makers from different countries assembled at the Moscow Global Forum ‘City for Education’ to discuss the best practices of educational environment for efficient learning.
