Все новости

Anniversary exhibition of Maria Semenova

The opening ceremony of the anniversary exhibition of Prof. Maria Semenova will take place in the Institute of Culture and Arts

V International Week of Dyslexia Awareness in Russia

The Association of Parents of Children with Dyslexia and MCU invite you to participate in the V International Week of Dyslexia Awareness

Neelakshi Suryanarayan will give lectures at the Institute of Humanities

Dr. Neelakshi Suryanarayan, Associate Professor at Univesity of Delhi, is going to give lectures for the students of MCU Institue of Humanities

Institute of Foreign Languages starts the academic year in the new building

The academic year at the Institute of Foreign Languages takes place at a new location

MCU sets AI usage rules for students in writing degree theses

Moscow City University has regulated the use of AI technologies by students in preparing their degree theses
