
The INSST Student Division of the MCU Student Council unites bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies. It is aimed at protecting the students’ rights and freedoms, arranging cultural, sports, volunteering, and leisure activities.

  • Volunteering
    It is an essential part of the MCU’s life, which involves kindness, humanity, and willingness to help.
  • Cultural Events 
    This Department arranges and holds events, activities, and projects at MCU.
  • Media
    Here you can fulfil your creative talents as a journalist, reporter, photo- or videographer, designer.
  • Student Research Society
    For those who want to pursue an academic career: participating in conferences, writing research articles and meeting with keynote scientists.
  • The INSST Branch of the Maximus Student Sports Union
    Join to get a chance to reach your highest potential in sports and compete with students of other institutes and universities, as well as organize and hold sporting activities at MCU, in Moscow, and even around the country.