Center for Education in Russian as a Foreign and Non-Native Language
The Institute of Humanities offers programmes in Russian as a foreign and as a non-native language to foreign students and teachers:
- Additional general development programme – Russian as a Foreign Language, Level C1, 72 hours / 24 hours.
- Additional professional development programme – Homo dicens: Russian as close and understandable (methods of increasing students’ motivation in the process of learning Russian language as a foreign language), 36 hours.
The Propaedeutic Course of Russian as a Foreign Language is offered for students who study in foreign educational organisations and are just starting to learn Russian. The course familiarises participants with basic Russian language skills, promotes interest in learning and mastering knowledge of Russian language and culture.
Learning Space on the Digital Platform
Directions of work of the summer school:
- General course of Russian as a foreign language (communication, reading and writing).
- Teaching Russian as a foreign language (communication, reading, writing and methodology).
The format of the courses assumes training both in small groups (5-6 people) and individually.
Travel and accommodation of non-resident participants of the summer and winter schools are at the expense of the sending party.
Tel.: +7 (499) 181-40-13
4 Vtoroy Selskokhozyaistvennyi proezd, Moscow, 129226

Yuri Grebenshchikov

Specialist of Educational Department
Associate Professor
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Associate Professor
Candidate of Philological Sciences

Associate Professor
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology