Все новости

8th Scientific Conference — Innovative Technologies for Physical Education of the Younger Generation

The Institute of Physical Training and Sports welcomes students and teachers to take part in the 8th Scientific Conference Innovative Technologies for Physical Education of the Younger Generation.

Sakura Festival Week

The Sakura festival week started on April 16 at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

Exchange Semester at Nottingham University, England

The English-learning students met to share their experience of participating in the Tandem-Nottingham academic exchange program.

Student Conference ‘Youth Subcultures in XXI century’

Join student Conference on Youth Subcultures in XXI Century.

Lecture by Elizaveta Proselkova, founder of EP Advisory

Elizaveta Proselkova, Founder of the career consulting company EP Advisory, spoke about study and employment opportunities for Russian-speakers in the UK.
