
Digital Technologies for Education

The Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Natural Sciences announces the research and practice Conference ‘Digital Technologies for Education’ scheduled on June 7-8. The Conference is dedicated to educational robotics, STEM-technologies and application of digital tools in education.

MCU invites Russian and international researchers, bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students, teachers of schools, colleges and other educational institutions, educational managers, representatives of non-profit organizations and everyone interested in the listed issues.


June 7

14.00-18.00 Plenary Session

June 8

14.00-18.00 Workshops, seminars, students’ discussion

Reports presented at the Conference will be posted at the STEM-park website.
The best reports will be published in the peer-reviewed journals Information Technologies and Education and MCU Vestnik, Series ‘Information Technologies and Digitalization of Education’.

During the Conference the guests will be able to attend presentations of new books and journals, as well as innovative digital technologies.

To attend the Conference, please register here.

All guests will receive a soft copy of certificate of participation.

For more detail, please contact Dmitry Abushkin by email, or mobile 8 903 084 75 92.

Address: 29 Sheremetievskaya St., Moscow, Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Natural Sciences