Все новости

Annual City Conference at MCU

MCU invites to take part in the Annual City Conference ‘MCU and metropolitan educational institutions as innovative network for management of the educational space’.

Russian Researches of Education to Enter ‘European Union’

In March the Russian Educational Research Association (RERA) officially joined the European scientific community.
With this membership new horizons open to our academics.

MCU students on exchange trip to Belgium

MCU students have won an opportunity to spend 2 weeks on an exchange program at Saint Louis University in Brussels, Belgium.

Students from Sorbonne (Paris-IV) visiting MCU

Students from Sorbonne (Paris-IV) visiting the MCU Institute of Foreign Languages on exchange program.

Professors Sergey Grigoriev and Vadim Grinshkun participated in the SITE Conference in Washington

Professors Sergey Grigoriev and Vadim Grinshkun of the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Natural Sciences participated in the 29th annual conference SITE 2018 held in Washington, United States.
