Все новости
MCU scholars participate in the conference on children’s play
Professor Igor Shiyan, professor Tatiana Le-van, and junior research fellow Anna Yakshina presented the scale “Support for Children’s Play” at the 3rd International Scientific Conference “Today’s Children Game Culture”
MCU researcher Elena Nekhorosheva reports at ESA Conference 2021
Elena Nekhorosheva from the MCU’s Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education presented a joint report at the 15th Conference by the European Sociological Association
MCU researchers discuss studying a city and learning from it
Scholars from the MCU’s Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education have elaborated on the opportunities that cities provide for teachers, parents, and students
MCU student wins the ICRC essay contest
Andrey Babich from the Institute of Law and Management has won the “Robots and International Humanitarian Law” essay contest organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross
MCU takes part in the roundtable session on higher education during the pandemic
Minister of Higher Education and Science and rectors of Russia’s leading universities have presented and discussed the research on the quality of higher education during the emergency