Все новости

The MCU students’ project scoring TOP-5 at the Hackfest in Grozny

On November 8—10 MCU students participated in the Hackfest “The Teacher of the Future” dedicated to digital educational technologies.

Olga Markes from Alai Oli with a lecture at MCU

Olga Markes, a famous singer and leader of the popular reggae band Alai Oli, will speak on efficient ways to keep fit and healthy at the open lecture at the MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages.

Ivan Ivanov: I am very ambitious

Ivan Ivanov, graduate of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sport Technologies, is now a basketball trainer at the Moscow College of Olympic Reserve No 4.

Apply to become an MCU curator for gifted children!

MCU announces the competitive selection of students who want to try themselves as curators at the ‘Sirius’ December school.

International Conference “Teaching Culture of Spoken English: Traditions, Issues and Perspectives”

MCU announces the International Research and Methodical Conference dedicated to teaching speech culture in English, scheduled for November 12—13.
